How to do a Keto Diet

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How to do a Keto Diet | Keto Dieting Questions Answered | Thomas DeLauer Weekly Q&A (12/3/18)- Thanks for your comments!!!!!

How to do a Keto Diet: The Complete Guide:

Brian Barry – When you say a 3:1 or 2:1 ratio of fats to proteins. Is that ratio based on calories of 3:1 or grams of fats and proteins? Is it recommended to do the 2:1 ratio if you are trying to put on muscle? (I’m already lean and in shape just looking to put on some good lb’s.)

Violetta Sarria – Keto is really hard for me since I am allergic to dairy and I have limited amounts of food I can eat. Do you have any suggestions for people that cannot eat dairy?

Francé Grobler – PLEASE give some tips on the Christmas week coming up with the family. I don’t necessarily want everyone to know I am fasting and on a Keto diet. There are going to be fruits and lots of carbs for brunch that will be at 11 am every morning with me usually eating Keto and only at 1/2pm, this is going to be a challenge! Please help out with tips! Can I “Cheat” for this week or what advice do you have?

VoodooShelby – Do you consume whey protein?? Does consuming high appropriate levels of good fats before drinking a whey shake lessen the insulin spike produced from the whey?

Alfredo Fuentes – can I drink an Isolate whey protein after my workout while on ketosis or will it kick me out of it?

Storm Crow – Would intermittent fasting be recommended for someone with diabetes and metabolic syndrome?

Yakir Nataf – Creatine and Casein protein (Casein before bed) is safe for keto? Creatine is preserving water in the muscle but keto diet is getting rid of the water?

Kevin Austin – How much water do I need to consume daily on the keto diet?

Gábor Szilassy – Doesn’t lean protein increase insulin more? Can you please clarify? Should we eat fatty protein, or lean ones?

Morning vs Evening Testosterone | Best Time for Workouts

Rafael R 0 When you say morning, does it mean wake up time? Some of us work overnight and wake up around noon. I’m usually at the gym within an hour of waking up and have always noticed more energy. If I wait more than one hour I feel my energy lowering. What is the sweet spot upon awakening?

Tony Ellis – Do you have any recommendations on supplements to take before bed to get into REM faster?

Godly Holistic – not sure if i completely understood, but if i am fasting all day, i should work out later in the afternoon, right?

1crazednut – Is there an ingredient we can add to our fasting pre-workout that will boost NO … without breaking a fast? Cheers.

Sue Lee – Thoughts on fermented fruit? I was reading that since fermentation eats the sugar and gives you probiotics, it would be safe for LCHF. What’s your thoughts???

Austin Parrett – Is this hormone cycle different if our everyday life is in reverse. (Night shift) (Work 7p-7a) Wake up in the afternoon and stay up til the late mornings.

Drink this NOT that on Keto (Beverage Substitutes)

Zenia Carreon – What is the best cold brew coffee to get? I at finding the best coffee to use please help!

Luis Muñoz – Is there a difference between brew coffee and instant coffee when it comes to keto and fasting?

Tbmvideo – Just purchased the Ujido Matcha featured in this video and the package says it has 20 grams of carbs per serving. Will that knock you out of ketosis?

Daniel Wonsover – How is it that you don’t want to go too high with your protein on Keto, but if you switch to carnivore, and you’re protein ratio goes up, you’re still in ketosis? Are carnivores still actually in Ketosis then? I just don’t get how carnivore is a smaller subset of Keto

mirage elmore – I have a question! I bought a supplement before I started keto and recieved it after I started…It’s Women’s Best AMINO & ENERGY Essential Amino Acids and Energy Support. I was wondering if this will kick me out of ketosis? I’m not sure if it’s similar to BCAAs or if those have an effect as well.

Mark Wallace – first, by adding lemon juice to my morning water throw me out of my fast? and second, i know mineral water is good, but how about carbonated water, like polar seltzer water? just want to make sure im not doing anything to mess up my keto or IF.

Ori G – Any other suggestion besides coconut cream? I don’t like the taste of coconut in my coffee or tea.

Essam Dabsh – I am really worried about my whey protein intake after this video. While on keto diet, I am breaking my fast with a shake. Would that lead to storing fat from the next meal which is eggs and avocado?

November Alpha – I would like to know if you still recommend Four Sigmatic’s matcha, as I currently have two of their containers & another on the way.

Lolita Maeweathers – Thanks, Thomas; so very helpful. You are talking about unsweetened coconut cream, right?

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